I am a Psychologist by qualification and a leadership coach by profession with 20 years of work experience. My coaching style is supportive and insightful. I drive coaching outcomes through my caring but tenacious approach to building accountability. I also work for empowerment of women along the coffee value chain and have represented India in Illy Coffee Forum in Italy. I am a speaker at various events such as ISTD< SHRM, Trainers meet Trainers, KL

- Coaching & Facilitation credentials:
- Trained on John Mattone’s Intelligent Leadership Coaching methodology
- Prior professional experience:
- My professional career started as a Psychologist. I later moved into consulting where I facilitated middle management programs. I headed L & D function of Café Coffee Day and Diageo over the last eight years of my corporate career. I was responsible for leadership development, talent development strategy and organization culture
My Corporate Career High Points
- I have carried out long range large scale talent development engagements with FMCG companies, creating a uniquely distinct solution for each one of them. I have widely experimented with digital platforms to deliver my training programs
- I have extensive experience of coaching CxOs, senior leaders in FMCG, Pharma, Financial services, IT, Healthcare, Logistics and Manufacturing industries.
- I have widely used OD framework and behavioural sciences principles in my client engagements to diagnose their current reality and design interventions.
- I have creatively designed several programs that enhance personal effectiveness of my coaching clients
Beyond Coaching
- MA in Clinical Psychology & M Phil in Psychology from NIMHANS
- Executive General Management program from IIM Bangalore
- I am a certified practitioner of MBTI, DISC, Hogan, EQi
- I am a trained on Transactional Analysis
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