Alchemical transmutation from lead to gold is symbolic of psychological/ spiritual transmutation from ego to essence, from shadow to Self. This is what Dr Carl Jung called the process of individuation. Accelerating this process by bringing more consciousness into it, is the objective of The Hero’s Journey.

”When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of our consciousness to do something bigger than ourselves
Joseph Campbell
About Hero's Journey
Hero’s Journey is a program designed to facilitate the process of Individuation which often kicks in at mid-life. It’s a stage when questions such as `who am I’, `what am I here for’ become important; usually triggering feelings of dissatisfaction, frustration coupled with a strong urge to do something different. Things that made sense earlier, gave us joy, helped us cope etc seem to make no sense. People usually respond to these by doing things they were missing in life – buying fancy cars/ motor cycles, going on rides, climbing high mountains, running marathons, traveling the world, leaving jobs to do their own things and so on
About Hero's Journey
Hero’s Journey is a program designed to facilitate the process of Individuation which often kicks in at mid-life. It’s a stage when questions such as `who am I’, `what am I here for’ become important; usually triggering feelings of dissatisfaction, frustration coupled with a strong urge to do something different. Things that made sense earlier, gave us joy, helped us cope etc seem to make no sense. People usually respond to these by doing things they were missing in life – buying fancy cars/ motor cycles, going on rides, climbing high mountains, running marathons, traveling the world, leaving jobs to do their own things and so on

It's your time to take the Journey
If you experienced any of these thoughts and instincts, it’s your psyche nudging you towards individuation, your transmutation of self; it’s your search for meaning and purpose. It is your momentous opportunity to transform yourself.
Becoming aware of it and doing it more consciously helps. For one it saves us from another 20 years of pleasure hunting, activity or material / spiritual acquisition trap. it helps us listen to ourselves more deeply, helps us detach from old patterns of thoughts, actions and attachments. It touches our core; a place we perhaps have never visited before.
Hero’s Journey is a systematic approach to support this process. So far, nearly hundred people have journeyed with us with astonishing impact. Most have reported enhanced health, better balance, alteration of life patterns and a purposeful life.
Elements of the Journey
The program is based on the seminal work of Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. It uses Campbell’s monomyth as a framework for transformation.
Following are the elements of this program:
- Archetypes, identity and life roles
- Understanding the Power of myth in our lives
- Decoding personal mythologies
- Identifying a system of beliefs and their life impact
- Primary archetypes and their life impact
- Delivering transformation by altering beliefs and fulfilling needs
- Encounter with the androgyny of the psyche
- Interpretation of dreams
- Identification and integration of shadows

Elements of the Journey
The program is based on the seminal work of Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. It uses Campbell’s monomyth as a framework for transformation.
Following are the elements of this program:
- Archetypes, identity and life roles
- Understanding the Power of myth in our lives
- Decoding personal mythologies
- Identifying a system of beliefs and their life impact
- Primary archetypes and their life impact
- Delivering transformation by altering beliefs and fulfilling needs
- Encounter with the androgyny of the psyche
- Interpretation of dreams
- Identification and integration of shadows
Who is the program for?
Hero’s Journey is a process of deep transformation. It is particularly useful for those looking for self development, personal transformation.
It is useful for facilitators who would like to lead the way by initiating their personal transformation.
Business leaders could significantly enhance their leadership potential through this program. They could explore the cost of their victories and find a better balance or alignment. They will become more authentic, self aware, and be able to tap into the multitude of their inner resources
This program is also suitable for home-makers or those striving to make a strong foot-hold in this world.
Note : Those in the age group of 35 to 50 found this program more meaningful than the ones outside this age bracket

Program Methodology
- Movies and Mythological stories
- Transcendental and dynamic meditations
- Somatic experiencing
- Body dispositions and prototyping
- Parts Dialogue/ Psychosynthesis
- Songs and poetry
- Visualizations
- Journaling
- Group coaching
Program Methodology
- Movies and Mythological stories
- Transcendental and dynamic meditations
- Somatic experiencing
- Body dispositions and prototyping
- Parts Dialogue/ Psychosynthesis
- Songs and poetry
- Visualizations
- Journaling
- Group coaching