Research statistics from 2015 ICF study shows a heart-warming picture of how coaching works.
Why Coaching?
Top 3 reasons Coaches are engaged
Coaches are no longer hired to usher toxic leaders out the door.
Is Coaching Personal?
Companies may not hire coaches to attend to issues in executives’ personal lives, but more often than not, personal matters creep in.
Develop high potential or facilitate transition
Act as a sounding board
Address derailing behavior

Source: HBR Jan 2009 Issue
Why Coaching Works
Depth of expertise:
Each one of our coaches are ICF certified thoroughly aligned with it’s ideology having at least 15 years exp. of managing business and people
Accurate Diagnostic:
We use a wide range of diagnostic tools such as MBTI, DISC, Hogan, EQ, Leadership Circle, Enneagram in each of our coaching intervention. Psychometric data builds perspective, ensures engagement and provides a start point for deeper exploration. Today 65% organizations use these tests and are rapidly gaining popularity.
We encourage leaders to set personal transformation and business excellence goals. We ensure that all goals have a direct and measurable business impact. Accountability is firmly established and stakeholders are involved at strategic intervals to ensure that coaching delivers results.
Coach Connect:
Deeper bond with coaches help the process of transformation. We provide support beyond coaching conversation. Leaders have an easy access to their coaches beyond the coaching hours.
Who do we Coach
Executive Coaching
Stanford/ Miles research shows that nearly two thirds of CEOs don’t have a coach but 100% of them need one. Another research indicates that it is very lonely at the top and having a trusted confidant, impartial sounding board significantly enhances the CEO’s effectiveness. Besides these objectives, the best CXO coach helps leaders deliver on their promise to multiple stakeholders. Such coaches bring in a perspective that could only come from someone who is been there and done that. Our CXO coaches are exCEO and MDs of Fortune500 organizations who have an in-depth experience of taking their organizations into the next orbit
Leadership Coaching
Leadership coaching is our bespoke development process for leaders. Our leadership coaching has a sharp focus on delivering business results. Having coached over a thousand leaders, our coaching framework has matured to deliver on the promise. Our coaches have developed deeper contextual understanding of a wide range of industries. From building core leadership skills to tying over a contextual challenge, we can tailor our leadership coaching intervention to suit our client’s requirements
Women Leaders
Juggling between too many priorities women in the corporate world are often at career cross-roads. A helping relationship, a sounding board who has been there done that could add a lot of value.
Our coaches are women leaders in their own rights who have been doing this work internationally. They are in the best position to understand the inner and the outer worlds of fellow women leaders.
Top Talent
It is easy to reach the top but difficult to stay there. It is commercially and business-wise prudent that an organization’s that their top talent remains so. Coaching clicks have specific interventions using scientific methods to build sustainability in their achievement.
Experts on Coaching

Ram Charan
There’s no question that future leaders will need constant coaching. As the business environment becomes more complex, they will increasingly turn to coaches for help in understanding how to act.
Coaching became popular over the past five years because companies faced a shortage of talent and were concerned about turnover among key employees. Firms wanted to signal their commitment to developing their high-potential executives, so they hired coaches. As coaching has become more common, any stigma attached to receiving it at the individual level has disappeared. Now, it is often considered a badge of honor.
The demand for coaching will not contract in the long term. The big developing economies—Brazil, China, India, and Russia—are going to have a tremendous appetite for it because management there is very youthful.
Today, coaching is a popular and potent solution for ensuring top performance from an organization’s most critical talent. Almost half the coaches surveyed, reported that they are hired primarily to work with executives on the positive side of coaching—developing high-potential talent and facilitating a transition in or up. Another 26% said that they are most often called in to act as a sounding board on organizational dynamics or strategic matters. Relatively few coaches said that organizations most often hire them to address a derailing behavior.

David Peterson

Anne Scoular
Willingness and good chemistry were by far the most frequently cited ingredients of a successful coaching relationship.
A survey of coaches indicates that companies looked for someone who had experience of coaching in a similar situation, but hadn’t necessarily worked in that setting. Organizations also took into account whether the coach has a clear methodology. According to the survey data, different coaches value different methodologies. Some coaches begin with 360-degree feedback, for example, while others rely more on psychological feedback and in-depth interviews. From an organization’s perspective, methodology is a good way to winnow the pile. If a prospective coach can’t tell you exactly what methodology he uses—what he does and what outcomes you can expect—show him the door. Top business coaches are as clear about what they don’t do as about what they can deliver.
India’s dynamic and high growth business landscape has led to shortened business cycles and a new set of challenges; CEOs and executives are required to face increasing business uncertainties and are often looking for a sounding board to dream, achieve, risk and excel. The increasing role of executive coaching is evident from the 50% industry growth seen in recent years resulting in a new entrepreneurial opportunity – the industry of executive coaching. But, the fragmented and nascent stage of this industry makes it difficult to define its size and structure. A rough estimate suggests that the industry size in India is USD 60 million as against USD 5 billion in the US.

Dr. Prakash V. Bhide
Experts on Coaching

Ram Charan
There’s no question that future leaders will need constant coaching. As the business environment becomes more complex, they will increasingly turn to coaches for help in understanding how to act.
Coaching became popular over the past five years because companies faced a shortage of talent and were concerned about turnover among key employees. Firms wanted to signal their commitment to developing their high-potential executives, so they hired coaches. As coaching has become more common, any stigma attached to receiving it at the individual level has disappeared. Now, it is often considered a badge of honor.
The demand for coaching will not contract in the long term. The big developing economies—Brazil, China, India, and Russia—are going to have a tremendous appetite for it because management there is very youthful.
Today, coaching is a popular and potent solution for ensuring top performance from an organization’s most critical talent. Almost half the coaches surveyed, reported that they are hired primarily to work with executives on the positive side of coaching—developing high-potential talent and facilitating a transition in or up. Another 26% said that they are most often called in to act as a sounding board on organizational dynamics or strategic matters. Relatively few coaches said that organizations most often hire them to address a derailing behavior.

David Peterson

Anne Scoular
Willingness and good chemistry were by far the most frequently cited ingredients of a successful coaching relationship.
A survey of coaches indicates that companies looked for someone who had experience of coaching in a similar situation, but hadn’t necessarily worked in that setting. Organizations also took into account whether the coach has a clear methodology. According to the survey data, different coaches value different methodologies. Some coaches begin with 360-degree feedback, for example, while others rely more on psychological feedback and in-depth interviews. From an organization’s perspective, methodology is a good way to winnow the pile. If a prospective coach can’t tell you exactly what methodology he uses—what he does and what outcomes you can expect—show him the door. Top business coaches are as clear about what they don’t do as about what they can deliver.
India’s dynamic and high growth business landscape has led to shortened business cycles and a new set of challenges; CEOs and executives are required to face increasing business uncertainties and are often looking for a sounding board to dream, achieve, risk and excel. The increasing role of executive coaching is evident from the 50% industry growth seen in recent years resulting in a new entrepreneurial opportunity – the industry of executive coaching. But, the fragmented and nascent stage of this industry makes it difficult to define its size and structure. A rough estimate suggests that the industry size in India is USD 60 million as against USD 5 billion in the US.